Wednesday, March 19, 2003

The Meliorist Article Update

As I mentioned in a previous post the old resident of my house has been the target of the editor at the school newspaper. Recently someone wrote in to the paper on his defense:

Moving on, I was most angry at the writer's slander of Stu Crawford. This is unprofessional for anyone to do, but for the letter to the editor to purport this behavior condemns The Meliorist to be a second grade student newspaper. I'm not painting the whole staff with the same brush, but the editor's actions are unacceptable.

It's always been a second grade newspaper, but I'm thinking it's worse than that now. Maybe third rate?

Pet Peeve of the Day

I think the students in the computer lab don't know why we have a lobby in this school. If they did, they would be in the lobby sitting and talking - not making the huge racket that they are right now in this lab!

Of course, thinking about this pet peeve of mine, it occurs to me that if they were really, really, ridiculously good looking I probably wouldn't mind so much. Does that make me shallow?

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