Thursday, March 20, 2003


Apparently the publication wasn't false, I've heard that Stu really did stink like a mix of wet cat and cheese. Anyway it turns out that the girl writing in is the twin sister of Stu's girlfriend. She was right to point out that the editor didn't need to single out Stu, and you are right that it was just rude.

New Media Update

The infamous commercial is completed and uploaded for your viewing pleasure. Unfortunatly some of the other videos are now gone from the server to make room for this one.

CBC News

Last night Anna-Maria and I were watching a really good episode of Law & Order. All of a sudden Saddam Hussien took control of our nations communications and began broadcasting in Arabic over top of Law & Order. When Bush said he had weapons I mass destruction I scoffed, but little did I know how far his power really reached -- Over top of Law & Order!

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