Tuesday, April 06, 2004


Well, I am enjoying my new job quite a bit. Today, I sold 300 copies of the Matrix part 3. I don't think a single person came through my till without it. If I could make $50,000 working a till, I would be a cashier for the rest of my life. I really like it a lot, but I'm sure they wouldn't pay me as much as I want. As it stands, I am getting quite good with ringing up sales and am learning the computer system quickly.

Today, Mandi an attractive sales girl came over to me and introduced herself. She chatted me up for a little while, but there were too many customers for us to have a conversation. She asked me what time I was getting off, and said she would talk to me before I left, because she confessed, "I have an ulterior motive."

Through out the conversation, I thought to myself, "This girl is flirting with me, I'll just flash my ring" and, "Can't she see my ring? She must be in her 20's. Girls in their 20's need to learn that it's time to look for rings." Anyway, I couldn't imagine what she wanted to talk to me about, other than ruining my marriage, which by the way was pretty obvious. I spent the next two and a half hours thinking of clever ways to tell her that I would only go out with her if my wife could come too.

Finally at about 4:00 she came up to me and said that one of her customers snuck off and bought a $200 universal remote, and could she please have the sale back from me. She needed to make a copy of the receipt and have me sign it. I told her that she could, and that I remembered the guy because he was the only one that bought a $200 remote control and a matrix DVD that day.

She took my pile of about 100 credit card receipts to search through, but I guess the kid had paid with his debit card, and there was no receipt which made it way more difficult to recover the sale. She said thanks, but it just wasn't worth searching through 20 pages of reports for $4 or whatever the commission would have been.

Luckily for Me, Mandi chickened out on the whole wanting to have an affair thing because I would have just had to break her heart anyway. It would have been awkward, really awkward.

-Gary, sales girls just love my sweet sweet ace.

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