Saturday, April 03, 2004


Last week I finished my last ever nursing course, which was so stressful and time consuming. I was spending three days a week working in NICU without pay for the last three months. Now that I'm done I feel like there's such a load off because my time is my own, and every time I go to work at the hospital, I know there's a pay-check involved. I keep forgetting that I'm not finished school yet, though. I'm in this stupid detective fiction English class that I had to take for credit. I have an essay due Monday, but I still haven't finished the book and I work a night shift Sunday. I've been reading all morning, but my eyes hurt, so I took a break. I wanted to go jogging, but it's sooooo windy outside that my walls are rattling.

I got a phone call from the NICU instructor yesterday, and I'm apparently going to start my orientation April 12th, which will involve two weeks of monday to friday day shifts. It's such a treat to work in the day, and I think that people who work monday to friday don't realise how good they have it. They get to sleep at night for one thing. Plus, working shift work you often miss out on fun things because they're scheduled for weekends or evenings.

I feel like such a grown up now that Gary and I are both working. The sad part is that when you finish school, you're just as poor as you were as a student, and maybe even poorer because all of your cheques are now going to repayment of student loans. Oh well, at least we're all in the same boat. We're getting pretty excited to start buying stuff though, in particular a new car. We went over to some friends' house to watch a movie last night and they had this amazing surround sound. Gary and I were literally drooling. On the way home he said to me "I could go without a car for a few more months...How about we buy an entertainment system?". The crazy thing is, he almost didn't sound like he was joking. I'll admit, it would be nice. We've added it to our list.


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