Sunday, May 23, 2004

They Call Her Bumpy

Today in church, we were sitting behind a family with a 3 or 4 year old daughter. The daughter seemed a little un-coordinated. She smashed her head into the bench about 8 times whilst we were sitting there. The first one of the day was the worst though. I wouldn't have knocked a door with my hand as hard as she hit her head.

It seems that every kid hits their head on a pew once in a while, but I don't know how she escaped without a concussion. From personal experience I found the back side of the benches where they keep the hymnbooks, to be the most dangerous for kids. The little girl, however, hit the back rest of the bench. It kind of just jumped out at her I guess.

I can't even imagine the goose eggs she is going to have on her head.


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