Tuesday, January 13, 2004

There is No Food For The Media, or How To Steal a Salad From The Palliser Hotel

My job at the Gauntlet often includes taking photographs of what we like to call, "talking heads". Talking heads are people giving speeches at a podium or possibly sitting behind a table. Today like many other days, I was called upon to photograph Jack M. Mintz the President and CEO of the C. D. Howe Institute at the Palliser Hotel, during a speaking engagement for the Calgary chapter of the Canadian Club.

I arrived a few minutes before noon, and spoke to Edmund A. Oliverio, a man it seems who is what I like to call a big cheese. He in fact sponsored one of the tables which was somewhat impressive because the only other sponsors were billion dollar oil companies. Mr. Oliverio directed me to the media liaison who sent me to the media table.

When I arrived at the table there were three salads and three pieces of cake. All the silver haired club members had already begun eating, so I decide that when in Rome, do as the Romans and began to eat my salad. I ate about three bites and then I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was the boss waiter. He told me that I was eating someone else's food. I said, Mr. Oliverio sent me to this table. The boss waiter told me that there was no food for the media, but that I should finish my salad.

Soon after, lackey waiters came and removed the other two salads and three pieces of cake.

My only regret is that I didn't eat the cake first.

-Gary Milner, stole a salad from the Palliser Hotel

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