Thursday, June 12, 2003

Fighting a Ticket is NEVER a Waste of a Day

My good friend James Keller told me a story tonight that made my day. It was so good that it possibly made my week (I'm waiting untill the end of the week before I make my final decision.) He got a speeding ticket about three weeks ago for $120.00 and thought, "Gary fought his ticket, I'm fighting my ticket too."

He followed my instructions, loosely found in the archives of April 28th, 2003. James was mostly worried about the demerits (for insurance purposes) and would pay the fine, but the crown prosecuter said that he couldn't just reduce the demerits. He said that if James would have his speed'o'meter tested he would throw the speeding ticket out if it tested incorrectly, and give him an equivelent ticket for faulty equipment. He had it tested, and it was 6% out which translates to going 105 km/h when he thought he was going 100. He got the ticket thrown out, and a reduced ticket for having a faulty speedometer. He doesn't even have a faulty speedometer. The fact of the matter is that all speedometers are at least 1km/h out from being completely accurate.

James' story gets better. This whole story was repeated to his Dad who, coincidently, had just gotten a photo radar ticket for speeding by 13 km/h over the limit. Inspired by both James' and my sucess fighting the law, the Dad went in, and got his ticket reduced to only one km/h over the limit. This brings the government's losses because of me to several hundred dollars. James and his Dad have made a pact to never pay the full price for a ticket ever again. This makes me feel good. Before, whenever I inadvertantly did an infraction I used to consider turning myself in to the law----- but no more. From now on they can look out for themselves. Even when they do catch me, instead of playing the patsy, I'll be fighting for my rights. Thats what they get for being greedy.

-Gary Milner

Ps. Don't let the Bastards get you down.

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