Sunday, March 19, 2006

The origin of the Universe

Google news has carried a story for about three days saying that scientists now claim that they can prove for certain what happened in the first one- one trillion, trillionth of a second after the big bang. They're saying that the universe went from being infinately smaller than an atom to the full size of the universe in that length of time. That the universe was once smaller than an atom is by itself baloney but thats a whole problem by itself. We know that light, which is much faster than an explosion travels at 186,000 feet per second. At that rate, how far would light travel in one- one trillion trillionth of a second. I'm not going to do the math but lets put it this way. If you were there watching, you would probably wish you had brought your lunch because as fast as light is, it wouldn't even have time to start moving in that length of time let alone worlds without end.


Jon said...

Although I didn't read this article, I will make a comment on it. Technically, any size of the universe is the full size of the universe. From our view point within the universe, if it was infinitely smaller than the size of an 'atom' or infinitely large it is all the same to us because we can only view what we can observe. I guess it would be infinitely hotter around that time and place and matter would be moving at pretty close to the speed of light, but the size of the universe would have been pretty much the same... The size of the universe.

What the scientists are trying to do is describe what occured during the conception of the universe from a viewpoint outside of the universe...

Beauty said...

Around the time Giordano Brunogot punished for informing the world that "In space there are numberless earths circling around other suns" we already had a lot of data about the universe. We have a lot more today, but we still need more in order to go into the realms of "The origin of the Universe".

Budding engineers and everyone else need to trash profit motives in order to innovate and come up with superfast space vehicles in order to get more data.

Even when we get to the edge of the universe, we will still need more data, because of the new questions that will come up on the journeys and at the destination.

Ps. I tried voting for your family but found the polls already closed. good luck 2 them.