Sunday, December 14, 2003

Some interesting things have happened to Saddam Hussein in his life. Here is a time line of important events in Saddams career. Read it over, you'll find out some things that don't seem to be very widely known. Like the fact that at 21 years old, he murdered his brother in law and was sent to jail for six months.

This would be a good time to see how newspapers and other media outlets from around the world report this story. It's important to consider what you are reading and compare it to various sources.

The CBC is reporting that Saddam has been captured.

The Globe and Mail is reporting that Saddam has been captured.

Reuters is reporting that Saddam has been captured.

The BBC is reporting that Saddam has been captured.

CNN is reporting that Saddam has been captured.

The Gaurdian is reporting that Saddam has been captured.

ABC news is reporting that Saddam has been caputured.

CBS news is reporting that Saddam has been captured.

Fox News is reporting that Saddam has been captured.

USA Today is reporting that Saddam has been captured. is reporting that Saddam has been captured.

Reaction from around the world from The Gaurdian.

The Broken Newz is reporting that Saddam has been captured in Montana dressed as a mall Santa.

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