Friday, January 31, 2003

Things and Stuff. I hate things and stuff. I have a teacher who is losing all her creditablity with me. She does a few things that to me as a student are very dumb. First of all, she gives the appearance of not knowing what she is talking about. That's one of the worst things about her. She doesn't seem qualified to be there. I mean, I could probably do a better job faking teaching the class with the class manual than she is. Quite often she will work something out on the board and ask the students what the answer is. Imagine, for example, that "2+2=4" was written on the board. She asks what the answer is and waits for some on to say, "4". It is so painful I want to gouge my own eyes out. Since she asks stupid things like that, no one answers even when she asks good questions, not just for things off the board. It's a horrible 3 hour class where no one talks. One time she asked us, "As users what would you like to see in an information system at your company?" A few people answered, and I'll sum up what they said.

There are some things that I like about the system we have now. There is also some stuff that I don't like about it. I would take the stuff I don't like about it and do things to change the stuff to make something that would be better than the old stuff that was complicated/didn't work/was cumbersom. I would also take the good stuff and do things to make it better. If you could do stuff to think outside the box, it would make things more synergistic and we would be more comptetitive in the e-economy and we would have more b2b and b2c business.

I hate Things and Stuff.

ps. To Anna and Jeff, I don't have very many good pics of you, so if you have a favorite, I'm more than willing to change the photos as soon as you post/send them.

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