Monday, March 21, 2005

Best Buy Really Was Today

The other day I went to the grand opening of the new Best Buy store here in Calgary. Really, I don't know what possessed me other than the fact that they were having a draw for $500.

While we were standing there, the Best Buy guys were holding little contests and giving away prizes such as gift cards or in one case concert tickets to some mediocre band I had never heard of.

I went in a contest that consisted of doing your impression of something. The only thing I could think of was to do an impression of Tom Cruise shouting, "Show me the money!". It was by far and away better than the first two contestants but only somewhat better than the last contestant. Unfortunately for me the last contestant was there with his university freshmen buddies (who acted more like high school freshmen, by the way) and so they cheered the loudest and I ended up not getting the $25 gift card. A little while later, the lady supervising the ordeal gave me a coupon for $5 off a $10 purchase for participating.

Then after standing there, in the freezing cold for 45 minutes, they held the draw and I didn't win. You could probably tell, because I would have posted about it three days ago if I had.

15 more minutes passed and they let us into the store. I wandered around for a little while and the lady came up to me and gave me a $10 gift card. It really made my day because I probably wouldn't have used the $5 off a $10 purchase with out it.

I decided to buy a copy of "The Three Amigos" with my free $15. We haven't watched it yet, but I'm getting excited just thinking about it.

-Gary Milner

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