Tuesday, June 22, 2004

When is a Treat Not a Treat?

We can all agree that there exist certain food items that we call treats. We can all agree that said food items are called treats because it is somewhat of a treat to eat them.

Some people can be described as having a pure love of treats. People like me. I love treats. I would walk 3km for a treat. Luckily for me the 7-eleven is almost exactly 1.5km away from my house.

As is often the case, you may be wondering what I am getting at. The point is that I want to know how often can you eat a specific treat or any treat for that matter, before it is no longer a treat? If you have a bowl of ice-cream everyday, are you really giving yourself a treat or are you just eating ice-cream? As sad as this may seem, there must be a point where a person would actually want to say the phrase, "No, I don't want another doughnut."

-Gary Milner

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