Thursday, May 28, 2009

I've been dating a really great girl. She's a lot like me. I always have fun when we do stuff together. Her sense of humour is just like mine. She thinks it is super funny to get a rise out of me, and she gets me every time for a few seconds every single time, then I realize what she's doing and I can't help but laugh.

In other news, I want to grow a moustache. Watch this video to find out why.

Thursday, May 07, 2009


Today was the first night of the Medicine Hat ultimate Frisbee league. I had a really good time playing but I am really out of shape. I'm hoping that this will give me the incentive I need to hit the bricks and start building up my endurance a little bit more.

It was a little cold tonight but it was fine as long as you didn't have to sit off for too long.

This photo isn't me it's just a random photo from flickr.
