Friday, April 09, 2004

Guinea Pig

I'm the first one from the group of employees hired from the university doing the training to be a supervisor. The training materials aren't quite complete yet. I'm getting to examine how the training is being done, and offer input as to how it could be made better for the people who follow me.

I'm doing the service training right now, because it is one of the bigger supervisor roles, it is also somewhat prerequisite to know many of the service things in order to be able to complete a lot of the other tasks assigned to other supervisors. One thing about doing the service training is that because the official training hasn't been launched yet, I could be training to do something else tomorrow. Nothing is set in stone yet. For all I know, I could be so amazing that I'll be moved up to oversee other supervisors. Many people at the store constantly talk about how fast people are moved around and promoted if they are talented.

Before I really knew what was involved in the different roles, I thought that being a merchandiser was what appealed to me most, but after learning some of the customer service tasks, that area is growing on me quite a bit. I still don't think that I would want to be in charge of sales or salesmen, but merchandising still appeals to me.

After completing 12 weeks of training, I will be assigned to be a supervisor in one of those three areas, customer service, sales, or merchandising. It seems a little unclear to me as to if my 12 weeks of training has started, or if I will be starting an official 12 weeks in May. I would like it both ways, to have a four week jump on the others, and therefore be able to pick which store I get assigned to but also complete my training with the other people so as to be the best person in the group.

In any case, I'm still enjoying the job one week later. I find that my feet and knees really ache after work, so I replaced my shoes today. I was disappointed that Dr. Marten no longer sells his shoes in Canada. Really disappointed. I have had to change my brand to Hush Puppies. I hope that they will make my feet and knees feel better.


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