Saturday, April 12, 2003

Spring Update

Before I was so rudely interrupted by a barbeque, I was going to say why I love spring in Calgary. Although spring is an all-round good season, spring in Calgary is especially good. The main reason is that Calgaryians for the most part seem to be outdoorsy people. As soon as the mercury raises above 5 or 6 degrees Celsius the masses head outside. There are suddenly joggers everywhere and there are too many cyclists to count. When the sand is swept up, in-line skaters will soon follow. Millennium Park is already full of skaters and bmx’ers who can’t wait for summer. By June the walking paths will be full. Here’s an interesting fact, along the river, there are two sets of walking paths. One for people on foot, and one for people on wheels, be they bicycle wheels or the kind you wear on your feet.

The thing is, it’s not just students that are into the outdoors. Admittedly lots of the kids do go jogging, but even as you get farther and farther from the university the paths are still full. Full of older folks, with white hair and veins showing through their sickly white skin, I’m just amazed at the activity level of Calgaryians.
-Gary Milner

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